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UNESCO World Heritage Site Muskauer Park/ Park Mużakowski

Muskauerův park zapsaný na seznamu světového dědictví UNESCO/Park Mużakowski

UNESCO World Heritage Site Muskauer Park/ Park Mużakowski

Experience great heritage

Muskauerův park zapsaný na seznamu světového dědictví UNESCO/Park Mużakowski © The Filmtastic

Cross-border beauty in Europe's largest landscape garden

Muskauer Park

Muskauer Park is characterized by a special feature that is unique in the world. Due to its location on the Neisse River, the landscape garden straddles the territory of two countries, Poland and Germany. Cross-border cooperation has been practiced every day for over two decades. Together, it has been possible to reunite the parts of the park that were divided in 1945 and at the same time make an important contribution to understanding between the two nations. In recognition of the work done and as an incentive for the future, Muskauer Park was ennobled with the UNESCO World Heritage title in 2004.

Click here for the Muskauer Park website

Castles and parks

On both sides of the Neisse, in eastern Germany and western Poland, there are unique parks, castles and gardens. Many are still an insider's tip - a treasure to be discovered. The best architects and landscape architects in Central Europe have worked here. Prince Herrmann von Pückler-Muskau, Karl Friedrich Schinkel and Joseph Lenné are probably the best known.

Especially in today's fast-paced world, parks and gardens are oases of peace that invite you to unwind and find relaxation in nature. Magnificently grown trees, imposing shrubs and colorful flowers show the changing seasons and are a treat for our senses. They outlast us humans and give us a very special sense of time and space, conveying growth and a feeling of security.

Borderline experience on the bike

The border triangle of Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic impresses with an incredibly varied landscape, which is best explored by bike on the Oder-Neisse cycle path. Along the German-Polish border, the route is lined with natural river meadows, monasteries full of life, extensive parks and the half-timbered houses typical of the region. In Bad Muskau, the route leads directly into Muskauer Park. Prince Pückler's 830-hectare German-Polish park landscape stretches across the border into Poland. Two castles, playful bridges, ancient trees, exciting landscape architecture, an orangery and even a small waterfall invite you to leave your bike behind for a few hours and go on a discovery tour on foot.

to the Oder-Neisse cycle path

Landscape art in perfection

Garden art, nature painting, landscape composition - and the whole thing transcends national borders on both sides of the Neisse: the legacy of Hermann Fürst von Pückler-Muskau can still be experienced today in Muskauer Park. The lord of the manor and passionate landscape architect laid out the park between 1815 and 1845 and developed it further in several stages. Today, the impressive park covers a total area of 830 hectares and is the largest landscape garden of English origin in Central Europe. It has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2004.

Ambassador of Lusatia

One of the most beautiful landscape gardens in Europe is his workplace and his passion: Cord Panning is Managing Director of the "Fürst-Pückler-Park Bad Muskau" Foundation and Park Director.

Read the full article about Cord Panning here

Impressions from the UNESCO World Heritage Site Muskauer Park

Großes Erbe Faltkarte

Wie kaum eine andere Region Deutschlands steht die Lausitz für gewaltige Gegensätze auf engstem Raum. Gegensätze als Ergebnis eines ständigen Wandels. So prägen noch immer Wunden die Landschaft der Lausitz, allerdings im Kontrast zur Lieblichkeit der englischen Gartenkunst historischer Parkanlagen. Und die Landschaft heilt nach und nach.

Aus Bräuchen und Gegensätzen wird hier Welterbe geschaffen. Von der UNESCO ausgezeichnete Kultur- und Naturerbestätten, Kulturlandschaften, vom Tagebau geprägte Gegenden oder Städte wie Görlitz und Bautzen sind Leuchttürme der Region. Sie erzählen Geschichten, die teils Jahrhunderte überspannen. All das nennen wir unser großes Erbe, welchem wir uns verpflichtet fühlen.

Ausgezeichnet! Großes Erbe im Lausitzer Land

Lassen Sie sich inspirieren von dieser Broschüre, tauchen Sie ein in die Geschichte der Lausitz, ihre Landschaften und Gegensätze, 
ihre Architektur und Traditionen. Und gehen Sie selbst auf Entdeckungsreise, bevor es alle tun – das große Erbe wartet auf Sie!

This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the members of the Saxon state parliament.

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Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien mbH

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With partnership support from the districts of Bautzen and Görlitz
and regional savings banks.