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Einmalig! Die Urlaubsregion Oberlausitz

New film camp "ClipQuest.Lausitz" is looking for young filmmakers!

Experience the dynamic Upper Lusatia and its UNESCO World Heritage Sites through the ClipQuest.Lusatia film camp!

When: April 30 to May 4, 2025
Where? Bautzen

Young filmmakers can create impressive video clips under the guidance of experienced mentors. On May 3, 2025, the clips will be presented and the best one will be chosen.

Registration: until March 30, 2025

Apply now!

Muskauer Park Driveway to the new castle


The holiday region of Upper Lusatia

Muskauer Park Driveway to the new castle © Rene Egmont Pech

Moments of happiness in Upper Lusatia

Cultural treasures of Upper Lusatia

Upper Lusatian culture is both fascinating and exciting. You can explore magnificent buildings, sacred treasures, urban beauties, film sets and insider tips here.

The unique buildings in green oases, which you will find in the World Heritage Site Muskauer Park or in one of the other beautiful gardens and palaces in the region, are a delight for all the senses.

At least as worth seeing are the half-timbered houses, whose ornate slate facades are a real feast for the eyes.

Upper Lusatia is also home to the Sorbs, the smallest Slavic people, who still preserve their rich traditions today, especially during the Easter period, which is particularly celebrated.

to the Upper Lusatia Culture website

Welcome to Upper Lusatia! Witajće k nam w Hornjej Łužicy!

In the vacation region of Upper Lusatia, in the east of Saxony, you can expect a variety of experiences that will make your vacation unforgettable. Whether you want to explore the breathtaking nature with its rolling hills and idyllic pond landscapes, experience the rich culture in historic cities such as Bautzen and Görlitz or enjoy the culinary delights of the region - Upper Lusatia offers the right adventure for every taste and age group.

Historic towns: Bautzen and Görlitz

The towns of Bautzen and Görlitz are real gems and entice visitors with their fascinating old towns. Bautzen impresses with its medieval charm, historic city walls and imposing towers. Görlitz, on the other hand, is famous for its unique film set and has already served as a location for numerous films. Here you can experience the backdrops of the big screen up close.

find out more about the Upper Lusatian League of Six Towns

UNESCO treasures of Upper Lusatia

Upper Lusatia offers three different UNESCO awards in the smallest of spaces. These awards are true treasures waiting to be discovered by you.

find out more about the UNESCO treasures in Upper Lusatia

Active adventures on the twin cycle path

Active enthusiasts can enjoy the twin cycle path get their money's worth. This connects the Oder-Neisse Cycle Path with the Spree Cycle Path to create a unique circular tour through the region. Explore the beauty of Upper Lusatia by bike and be enchanted by nature.

find out more about the twin cycle path

Hiking fun on the Upper Lusatian mountain trail

Hiking enthusiasts are attracted by the certified quality hiking trail - the Upper Lusatian Mountain Trail. It takes you over the most beautiful hilltops and picturesque villages in the region and promises spectacular views. No wonder it is one of the 10 most beautiful hiking trails in the whole of Germany according to a survey by Wandermagazin.

find out more about the Oberlausitzer Bergweg

Spiritual discoveries on the Via Sacra

If you prefer a more spiritual experience, you should set out on the paths of the Via Sacra paths. Here you will find over 20 sacred sites on a route that stretches all the way to the Czech Republic and Poland. A journey through history and culture awaits you.

find out more about the Via Sacra

Family adventures in Upper Lusatia

There are also there are numerous adventures for familiesto experience. Discover time giants or explore a tree house. If you can't make up your mind, the famil-o-matwill help you find the perfect family experience.

Your vacation in Upper Lusatia will be an unforgettable journey full of special encounters - whether alone, as a couple, in a group or with your family.

more about family adventures in Upper Lusatia

Discover highlights with the famil-o-mat

Inspirations from Upper Lusatia

Let yourself be enchanted by the beauty of Upper Lusatia before your next vacation.

Upper Lusatia at your fingertips

Von Händlern und Herrschern im Oberlausitzer Sechsstädtebund

Entdecken Sie eine Zeitreise durch die Oberlausitz! Der Oberlausitzer Sechsstädtebund! Über viele Jahrhunderte waren sechs Oberlausitzer Städte attraktive Anlaufpunkte für Geschäftsreisende aus vieler Herren Länder. Zum gemeinsamen Schutz vor Feinden und Räubern gründeten Bautzen, Görlitz, Kamenz, Lubań, Löbau und Zittau im Jahre 1346 den Oberlausitzer Sechsstädtebund. Erst  im  Jahr  1815  wurde  der  Sechsstädtebund  als  Folge  des  Wiener  Kongresses aufgelöst. Dennoch  sind diese sechs Städte immer ganz besondere Anziehungspunkte für Reisende aus aller Welt. Sie staunen über prächtige Bürgerhäuser, stolze  Kirchen  und  wehrhafte  Befestigungsanlagen  aus  der  Epoche,  die  jene sechs Städte zusammenschmiedete.

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© 2025 Marketing-Gesellschaft
Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien mbH

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With partnership support from the districts of Bautzen and Görlitz
and regional savings banks.